Age group allocation policy

Golden Grove Little Athletics Centre will follow the association rules and recommendations in regards to allocated age groups and events provided for each age group. This will ensure the safety of all athletes competing at the centre. 

Under Association rules, athletes are required to compete in their correct age group in all competitions. An athlete’s correct age group is determined by their age as at midnight on the 31st  December.  

Where an event is scheduled as a combined age group event, all athletes in the prescribed age groups will be considered as competing in the correct age group. 

Athletes cannot move up to the next age group even if they have a birthday during the season. The age group they are allocated at registration is their age group for the entire season.  

The Association’s insurance policy will only cover athletes who are participating in events sanctioned for their age group. 

Tiny Tots 

Children may be registered as Tiny Tots provided they have turned three years old. 

SALAA guidelines state that tiny tots are not permitted to move up to the under six age group once the child turns five.  The child must compete with tiny tots for the entire season. 


This policy will be reviewed annually by the committee. 

Policy developed: Jul 2015 

Reviewed without change: Oct 2016, Oct 2017 

Policy reviewed and changes accepted: Oct 2018 

Reviewed without change: Oct 2018, Oct 2019, Oct 2020, Oct 2021

Date for next review: Oct 2022