Committee role descriptions & objectives

The Objectives of the GGLAC Committee are to:
➢ Conduct, promote, and administer little athletics in the local area;
➢ Advance little athletics in the local area through development programs and the acquisition of relevant grants and or funds;
➢ Provide a safe and quality sporting / volunteer /spectator experience for our members;
➢ Operate as a not for profit organisation whilst ensuring the financial security of the Centre
➢ Act on behalf of and in the interest of our Members and Members of the local community;
➢ Affiliate and liaise with SALAA and LAA and adopt their policies and guidelines;
➢ Liaise with the local council in regard to the lease of the venue
➢ Consider public interest and the local environment in all aspects of our operations; and
➢ Undertake what is necessary to achieve these objectives.

The role of the President is to provide leadership and responsibility for the centre and the Committee.
Desirable Attributes:

  • Well informed of all Centre activities and able to provide oversight
  • A person who can develop good relationships internally and externally
  • Be forward thinking and committed to meeting the overall goals of the Centre
  • A good working knowledge of the Committee, constitution, rules and duties of office bearers
  • Able to work collaboratively with other Committee Members
  • A good listener and attuned to the interests of Members and other interest groups
  • A good role model and a positive image for the Centre in representing the Committee in other forums
  • A competent public speaker

Specific duties include but are not limited to:

  • Chair committee meetings and the AGM ensuring that they are run efficiently and effectively
  • Act as a signatory for the Centre in all legal purposes and financial purposes
  • Regularly focus the Committee’s attention on matters of Centre governance
  • Periodically consult with Committee Members on their role, to see how they are going and help them to optimize their contribution
  • Work with the Committee to ensure:
    o The necessary skills are represented on the Committee and that a succession plan is in place to help find new Members when required
    o Goals and relevant strategic and business plans are developed in order to achieve the goals of the Centre.
  • Representing the Centre where possible at:
    o Association AGM
    o Association state conference
    o All Centre activities
    o Meetings with outside agencies where applicable
  • Assist in the development of partnerships with sponsors, funding agencies, local and state government, shared facility users and organisations that are relevant to the goals of the Centre.
  • Bringing any issues or matters which may affect the Centre to the committee.
  • Understand meeting procedures and encouraging all members to participate in an orderly manner.
  • Ensuring that all Committee Members carry out the tasks allocated to them.
  • Preparing an Annual Report on the Centres activities, for the AGM and the Association.
  • Arranging a planning session for the coming season.
  • Ensure volunteer register is up-dated.
  • Ensure that an annual income & expenditure report is prepared and audited


The role of the Vice President is to shadow the President in providing leadership and
responsibility for the organisation and the Committee and to step into the President’s
roles where needed. It is often considered that the Vice President will succeed the
President and that this role is in preparation.
Desirable Attributes:

  • Well informed of all organisation activities and able to provide oversight
  • A person who can develop good relationships internally and externally
  • Willing to step in for the president where needed including chairing meetings
  • Forward thinking and committed to meeting the overall goals of the centre
  • A good working knowledge of the constitution, rules and duties of office bearers
  • Able to work collaboratively with other members
  • A good listener and attuned to the interests of members and other interest groups
  • A good role model and a positive image for the centre in representing the committee in other forums
  • A competent public speaker
  • Able to raise concerns with the President when they arise

Specific duties include but are not limited to:

  • In the event of the President being unable to fulfil his/her duties to step into that role
  • In the absence of the President, chair committee meetings ensuring that they are run efficiently and effectively
  • Represent the Centre at meetings and forums as agreed with by the President
  • Other duties as nominated by the President and / or Committee


The role of the Secretary is to act as the chief administration officer of the Centre which
allows the Committee to provide good governance. This person provides the
coordination link between Members, the Committee and outside agencies including
but not limited to the Association, other Centres and Local Council
Desirable Attributes:

  • Organised
  • Able to think clearly and positively
  • Able to communicate effectively
  • Able to maintain confidentiality on relevant matters
  • Able to manage and supervise others (in relation to secretarial duties)
  • Able to organise and delegate tasks
  • Familiar with the Centre rules and constitution

Specific duties include but are not limited to:

  • Maintain records of the Committee and ensure effective management of Centre records
  • Manage minutes of Committee meetings, including recording the minutes and ensuring minutes are distributed to members shortly after each meeting
  • Development of the agenda in consultation with other Committee members and distribution prior to the meeting
  • Ensuring that accurate and sufficient documentation exists to meet legal requirements
  • Assisting the President in the organisation of Committee and other meetings.
  • Ensuring that all Association dates/closing dates are met and reporting any accidents or injuries.
  • Enable and authorise people to help with the Committee’s business.
  • Ensure that official records are maintained of Members and Committee
  • Ensure that records are available when required including founding documents, lists of Committee members, Committee meeting minutes, financial reports, and other official records
  • Provide an up-to-date copy of the constitution and bylaws at all meetings.
  • Ensure that proper notification is given of Committee and Centre meetings as specified in the bylaws
  • Manage the general correspondence of the Committee except for such correspondence assigned to others
  • Help and lead the Committee in providing systematic communication from the Committee to Members and other relevant stakeholders
  • Receive and file relevant police check records or working with children documentation.
  • Be a signatory on Centre account
  • Fulfil the role of Public Officer


The role of the Treasurer is to be responsible for the financial supervision of the Centre to allow the Committee to provide good governance. The Treasurer is responsible for regular reports on the Centre‘s financial status to the Committee.
Desirable Attributes:

  • Good organisational skills
  • Has some financial expertise
  • Ability to maintain accurate records
  • Honest/Trustworthy
  • Computer skills
  • Good communication skills
  • Familiar with the Centre rules and constitution

Specific duties include but are not limited to:

  • Provide advice to the Committee in their management of the Centre finances
  • Administer all financial affairs of the Centre
  • Lead the annual budget process and ensure an appropriate annual budget is provided to the Committee for approval
  • Publish, on a regular basis, a summary of the accounting activity, including the bank balance.
  • Assisting the Registrar with the receipt of all registration moneys and remittance of all fees due to the Association or other Centres or bodies.
  • Support any required auditing processes
  • Receipt of all incoming monies
  • Bank all monies received
  • Pay all accounts
  • Maintain accurate records of all income and expenditure
  • Ensure that all receipts and payments concur with bank deposits and withdrawals
  • Monthly financial reports – present at monthly committee meetings
  • Keep accurate record of all membership payments
  • Be a signatory on Centre account
  • In accordance with the SALAA Constitution, forward audited financial statement to SALAA following the Centre AGM


The role of the Registrar is to supervise and be responsible for the proper registration of all Players within the centre. This involves all elements of the registration process, including the conduct of sign-up days and the proper recording of individual details.
Desirable Attributes:

  • Good planning and organisation skills
  • Ability to communicate with a wide range of people
  • Computer skills
  • Familiar with the Centre rules and constitution