Sun smart policy


  • All athletes, and volunteers should wear sun safe clothing, including light weight, loose fitting and well ventilated clothing.  
  • Whilst exposed to the sun (except when competing) a well- ventilated broad brim hat should be worn.  
  • All officials and volunteers must be seen to be setting a sun smart example.  
  • During activities, they are encouraged to wear collared shirts, hats and sunglasses.  


  • Parents/guardians are responsible for ensuring that their child/ren applies sufficient amounts of sunscreen to protect them whilst they are involved in Little Athletics.  
  • Sunscreen is provided free of charge at the registration desk and the canteen for reapplication where necessary. 


  • Athletes and officials are encouraged to drink prior to the competition and drink fluids regularly during the event.  
  • Chaperones and officials will remind all athletes to consume adequate fluid intake. Officials are offered bottled water throughout the meet. 
  • We will also have water buckets with sponges and spray bottles for the athletes to cool themselves in hot conditions  
  • Officials need to be aware of heat illness and will continually monitor athletes for signs of heat illness 


  • When competition is held in warm to hot conditions, the Committee will have shade tents setup around the arena providing shade for athletes, officials and parents.  

This policy is to be used in conjunction with the GGLAC all weather policy and the SALAA all weather and extreme weather policies. 


This policy will be reviewed annually by the Committee. 

Policy developed: Sep 2015 

Reviewed without changes: Sept 2017, Oct 2018, Oct 2019, Oct 2020, Oct 2021, Feb 2024

Date for next review: Feb 2025