Equipment hire policy & agreement


The policy outlines the procedure that must be followed to hire equipment to other sporting groups or for private use. The policy applies to equipment used at the grounds as well as equipment used away from the grounds by the hirer.  


Owner – GGLAC is the owner in this instance  

Usual Operator – a person that has been formally inducted in the use of that particular item  

Equipment – any equipment owned by Golden Grove little Athletics Centre (GGLAC) including but not limited to all sporting equipment, starting equipment, timing equipment bbq trailer, marquees, tables and chairs. 

Community Groups- Including but not limited to other sporting groups, other little athletics centres, regional sporting groups such as SAPSASA and local schools. 


The hire of GGLAC equipment shall be permitted in accordance with the following conditions: 

  • The requested equipment is available, and the hire period does not adversely affect GGLAC usual operations. 
  • Where timing or starting equipment is to be hired a usual operator must be clearly identified to the owner. 
  • No prior concerns or issues have been identified with equipment in previous hire periods and there are no outstanding hire fees. 
  • The hire fee has been agreed to and the equipment hire agreement has been completed and signed by both the owner and the hirer. 
  • Equipment is for the use of the community group/individual and not to be used for commercial gain 
  • Any damages or injury caused to persons or property by the operation of GGALC equipment for the duration of the hire shall be the responsibility of the hirer, for example; accidental injuries, vehicle/equipment damage 


This policy will be reviewed annually by the committee. 

Policy developed: Mar 2018 

Reviewed without changes: Mar 2019, Aug 2022 

Policy reviewed with changes: Mar 2020, Jun 2021, July 2023 

Date for next review: Jun 2024 


This Agreement is made between Golden Grove Little Athletics Centre Inc (“Owner”) and <insert name of Hirer> (“Hirer”)  

The Owner agrees to allow the Hirer use of the following equipment; <list equipment>  

This equipment is for (please circle):             community group         personal use  

Hire Period:  <insert date & time> 

  1. The Hirer agrees to pay the Owner the sum of $<insert amount> for use of the above listed Equipment.  
  1. The Hirer agrees to notify the Owner of any damage arising out of the Hirer’s use of the equipment within 24 hours of becoming aware of the damage.  
  1. The Hirer agrees to reimburse the Owner for the full cost of repairing any damage caused to the Equipment during the hire period. 

Signed for on behalf of the Owner: _____________________ Signed for on behalf of the Hirer: _________________

Name: ___________________________ Name: _______________________________ 

Position: __________________________ Position: ______________________________ 

Date: ____________________________ Date: _________________________________ 

Return Date: ______________________  

Received & checked by: __________________________________ on behalf of GGLAC 

Signature: __________________________________