Membership policy

In accordance with the Golden Grove Little Athletics Centre and the South Australian Little Athletics Association constitutions, the following categories of membership exist with the centre; 


Each registered and financial athlete is considered a member of the Golden Grove Little Athletics Centre and the South Australian Little Athletics Association. As all athletes are considered junior, they are not provided voting rights. 


Each family is entitled to one vote on behalf of their registered and financial athletes at the annual general meeting and any special general meetings. 


Any Parents with voting rights can put forward a nomination, with valid reason, in writing to the committee as to why a person should be considered for honorary membership. The committee will vote on the nomination using a majority rules acceptance. 


Life membership is obtained by athletes after seven years of consecutive membership. 


This policy will be reviewed annually by the Committee. 

Policy developed: Sep 2015 

Policy reviewed without change: Sep 2017, Oct 2018, Oct 2019, Oct 2020, Oct 2021 

Date for next review: Oct 2022