Playing environment, facilities & equipment policy

Playing Environment and facilities 

Golden Grove little Athletics Centre has a responsibility to ensure the environment in which our sport takes place is as safe as possible. The playing environment and facilities include the athletic competition arena and the area surrounding the competition arena including spectator areas, the canteen, playground, toilets, change rooms and car park. 

The following procedures are in place to keep all athletes and spectators safe; 

  • Inspection of the playing environment before the day’s activities to ensure the immediate surrounds are free of debris, such as broken glass, used syringes or other material that may pose a health and safety risk  
  • Any used syringes will be safely collected and disposed of in a biohazard container (in accordance with the health, incident and injury policy) 
  • All applicable surfaces will be inspected regularly, any holes and/or uneven sections should be reported to the president or vice president 
  • The canteen manager will be responsible for keeping the canteen clean and tidy 
  • Only people authorised by the canteen manager are allowed in the area. No athletes are permitted into the canteen area unless specific permission is given  
  • Toilets and change rooms will be kept clean and tidy 


The following procedures are in place to keep athletes and spectators safe; 

  • Only equipment that conforms to the regulations of the association will be used for training and competition  
  • Equipment will be used strictly for the purpose it was designed  
  • Athletes are to stop using equipment immediately if any damage is observed and equipment should be isolated so that it is not used until damage can be assessed by the committee. This limits the possibility for further damage and/or injury 
  • When not in use the equipment will be stored safely and securely. The safe storage of such equipment will be the responsibility of the committee 
  • Equipment is stored to minimise the physical demands of packing and unpacking 
  • All equipment is regularly checked for faults and/or degeneration  
  • All maintenance or repairs required are reported to the president or vice president as soon as possible 
  • Equipment will be cleaned regularly and dried down on wet or dewy days 
  • High jump mats will be checked for rips and repaired as soon as possible. Ripped or torn mats will not be used until repaired 


This policy will be reviewed annually by the Committee. 

Policy developed: Aug 2015 

Policy reviewed without change: Aug 2016, Sep 2017 

Policy reviewed and changes accepted: Oct 2018 

Policy reviewed without change: Oct 2019, Oct 2020, Oct 2021 

Date for next review: Oct 2022