Procedure for the election of the committee at the AGM

This procedure should be used in conjunction with the Golden Grove Athletics Centre Incorporated Constitution. 

Nominations for Committee members and office bearers may be taken from nominations received prior to AGM. Nominations will be called for from the floor prior to the commencement of the election process.  

Where only one nomination is received a request for a show of hands from members eligible to vote is requested. If a majority vote is received the member is elected to the nominated position. 

If more than one person nominates for any position, or if there are more nominations than there are places on the Committee there must be an election. If the position of President is being contested, the President should stand down during the election process and be replaced by an acting President, (someone who is not standing for any position), especially elected just for the period of the nomination process. 

The nominees will be asked to leave the room and an election will take place through a show of hands. The nominee with the majority vote will be elected to the nominated position. The remaining nominee is eligible to stand for other positions. 

All nominations, and seconds are recorded in the AGM minutes by the Secretary. 

Where any position is not filled at the AGM, an elected committee may be appointed to the position by the committee at the first meeting of the new committee. 


This policy will be reviewed annually by the Committee. 

Policy developed: Feb 2021 

Policy reviewed and change accepted: Feb 2022, Feb 2023, Mar 2024

Date for next review: Mar 2025